personalLipsology can help you identify your strengths and personal style. It can help you understand yourself in a new way and give you direction to act on what you learn.

Lip prints are made by kissing paper. Just as your kisses vary, depending on whom you’re kissing, how you are feeling, where you are and what the circumstances are, so will your lip prints vary.  Because of this variation, you can read your lip prints often.

Lip prints do talk. The following are several ways for you to have a private reading to find out what yours have to say about you and to you.

Read your own lip prints by purchasing Jilly’s book, Lipsology, The Art and Science of Reading Lip Prints…. available in paperback and eBook.

You can also have your lip prints read by phone or a written report, or in person, by contacting a Certified Lipsologists.